Effective Brand Marketing on Xiaohongshu

Effective Brand Marketing on Xiaohongshu? Three Areas to Ponder Social media marketing has become a focal point for many brands looking to promote themselves and Xiaohongshu; a social media platform with a female user ratio of over 80% has quickly become fertile ground for brands looking to plant their seed. More and more brands have found success via the platform. For example, a Made-in-China skincare brand HomeFacialPro (HFP) founded in 2016 annual revenue scaled quickly to over $1 billion Renminbi (~$145 million USD) in 2019. A big part of their marketing strategy involved using KOL marketing. From 2016 to 2018, HFP partnered with over 1,400 accounts, to post over 6,000 sponsored content posts with estimated spending of $100 million Renminbi on brand marketing campaigns. The ability of Xiaohongshu to drive traffic to brand websites acknowledged but how does a brand do this effectively on the platform to guarantee traffic. Moreover, at the end of 2019, the platform’s algorithm rules ...