【KOL Analysis】Weekly Rising Stars Update✨

The Weekly Rising Star Leaderboard has been updated ! This week's rising stars include Gareth.T, Amy Lo, Elka Cheng, Priscilla Ng, The Reynolds family and Sharon! R&B singer Gareth.T (IG: @gareth_tong ), with his distinctive musical style, talent, and unique voice, he has gradually gained more popularity and attention. The number of its IG followers exceeded 100K at the end of February. Now he has 109K followers! The engagement rate dropped slightly to 15%. Gareth.T made a brand commercial video for Dyson with his girlfriend earlier. The interesting content was well received, and the brand placement performance rose to 95%. Some netizens bluntly said that if they were a brand, they would definitely invite Gareth.T for collaboration. 【 Image source: IG @gareth_tong 】 Amy Lo (IG: @lqamy ) is a South American half-breed. Last year, she began to gain popularity by starring in the ViuTV drama "Generation Slash". With deep facial features and a tall stature, she won the...