
Showing posts with the label ViuTV

【KOL Analysis】Weekly Rising Stars Update✨

  The Weekly Rising Star Leaderboard has been updated ! This week's rising stars include Terrance Lau, Sofiee Ng and Cecilia Choi, the main characters of ViuTV's drama "940920". As well as Kat Wong, Umi and Tiff. "940920", which has just finished broadcasting, is the sequel to the ViuTV drama "Leap Day". Since its broadcast, it has been heatedly discussed by netizens, showing that the popularity is very high! Terrance Lau (IG: @lauchunhim.terrance  ) has participated in many stage shows in the early days of his debut. Until 2020, he began to gain more public attention with the ViuTV TV series "Limited Education" and "Leap Day". Later, he played the leading role in the movie "Beyond the Dream" and "940920". Terrance's popularity soar and the number of his IG followers increased. Since the broadcast of "940920", it has increased by 20K to 98K, and the engagement rate has also reached 11.75%. Terra

【KOL Analysis】Weekly Rising Stars Update✨

  The Weekly Rising Star Leaderboard has been updated ! This week's rising stars include Gareth.T, Amy Lo, Elka Cheng, Priscilla Ng, The Reynolds family and Sharon! R&B singer Gareth.T (IG: @gareth_tong  ), with his distinctive musical style, talent, and unique voice, he has gradually gained more popularity and attention. The number of its IG followers exceeded 100K at the end of February. Now he has 109K followers! The engagement rate dropped slightly to 15%. Gareth.T made a brand commercial video for Dyson with his girlfriend earlier. The interesting content was well received, and the brand placement performance rose to 95%. Some netizens bluntly said that if they were a brand, they would definitely invite Gareth.T for collaboration. 【 Image source: IG @gareth_tong 】 Amy Lo (IG: @lqamy  ) is a South American half-breed. Last year, she began to gain popularity by starring in the ViuTV drama "Generation Slash". With deep facial features and a tall stature, she won the

【KOL Analysis】Weekly Rising Stars Update✨

  The Weekly Rising Star Leaderboard has been updated ! This week's rising stars are still Collar members Sum Ling, Candy, So Ching and Winka, as well as the main actor in "In Geek We Trust", Ling Man Lung. In addition to Collar, the new ViuTV drama "In Geek We Trust", which has been well received since its broadcast, is another hot topic recently. The number of IG followers of the actors in the drama has also increased significantly! Ling Man Lung (IG: @siulungling  ) has been debut for more than ten years and can be seen in many movies. Later, he was appreciated by Mo Shun Kwan and was recommended to play his autistic son in the movie "Tomorrow is another day". Recently, his good acting skills in the drama "In Geek We Trust" has been praised by netizens. His IG followers have soared five times to 21K! His engagement rate has also risen to 19.28%, and his brand placement performance has increased to 199%. The performance is good! 【 Image sou

【KOL Analysis】Weekly Rising Stars Update✨

The Weekly Rising Star Leaderboard has been updated! This week's Rising Stars also include Sum Ling, Winka and Gareth T., as well as Collar members Candy, So Ching and Gao. Collar has received their first advertising endorsement in just half a month after debut. They are also the brand's first Hong Kong singer spokesperson. Besides Marf and Day, who have reached 100K IG followers before their debut, other members including Ivy So , Candy, So Ching and Sum Ling have also reached 100K followers recently! The youngest member of Collar, Candy (IG: @candyw1219 ), has been popular due to her fairy beauty. She was once criticized for being shortlisted for her appearance, but with the development of the show, Candy's strength has gradually improved. Candy's IG followers count was 58K before her debut, and it rose to 82K just after her debut. Now it has exceeded 100K followers to 112K followers. Her engagement rate is 18.92%, and she has become an S Rank KOL! Candy has bee

Stella won champion of ViuTV's show《造美人》with 0.4 point difference - Instagram Quick Stats

  ViuTV在上周六播出選美節目《造美人》總決賽,由8位參賽者Kathy、Semi、Ann、Ice、Stella、AB、Shweta及Miko競逐冠軍位置。比賽結果和網上流傳的冠軍名單一樣,造美人冠軍為獲得「突破原美大獎」的Stella。網民看好的Ice同Ann就分別為第二和第三名,而Ice亦獲得「內在美人大獎」。 我們的平台 蒐集了她們的Instagram 數據,作爲冠軍的Stella如預期般擁有最多IG粉絲、亦有持續增長的趨勢。但IG平均讚好最多的則是較後階段表現突飛猛進的Ice,而IG互動率最高就是Miko。(資料更新至7月6日) 與經典的選美節目不同,《造美人》除了減肥改善體態及在臉上打針微調,更着重訓練女生們的心理質素和應對談吐,務求使她們以後天的努力展現外在美和從内在散發自信。因此參加者的一開始的選美照沒有過度修飾,只反映她們現實的一面,讓觀眾見證她們蛻變的過程。總決賽的泳衣環節時,可看到一眾女生三個月訓練的成果,能大方地應對評判的問題。   冠軍Stella大躍進的表現令她獲得「突破原美大獎」(圖片來源:《造美人》截圖) 亞軍Ice憑着善良的性格和大愛的行為獲得「內在美人大獎」(圖片來源:《造美人》截圖)   季軍Ann在全身泳衣自我介紹環節,被作爲評判之一的葉翠翠盛贊出場時像黎姿 (圖片來源:《造美 人》截圖) 歡迎 註冊 以免費試用Popared,我們亦會定期提供最新網紅行銷資訊和市場趨勢。