Incorporating 5A Path to Purchase with Influencer Marketing

Path-to-Purchase refers to the process of the brand being exposed to customers through various mediums that eventually convert to “purchase” and “recommendation”. As digital media are taking over traditional media’s place in terms of time spent by people every day, mediums such as search engines, online forums, apps, social media platforms, etc are more valued by brands than ever. In addition, through browsing various digital mediums, micro-moments make a huge influence on customer behaviours. When a consumer intends to know, go, do or buy something through a digital device, these are four micro-moments that will be game-changing for marketers. If your quality and relevance of content can meet the needs of consumers during their micro-moments, it’ll certainly help you gain and retain customers after their purchases. There were many purchase funnel models proposed to educate brands on consumers’ path to purchase. The longest-serving purchase funnel model is known as AIDA ( Attent...